Author: Zhanshan Wang, Zhenwei Liu, Chengde Zheng (auth.)
year: 2014
page: 388
Format: pdf
Qualitative Analysis and Control of Complex Neural Networks with Delays
Author: Zhanshan Wang, Zhenwei Liu, Chengde Zheng (auth.)
year: 2014
page: 388
Format: pdf
In this paper, we investigate the impacts of applying game
theory on the network throughput, network voltage loss
and accuracy of malicious node detection to wireless sen-
sor networks. We implement a protocol which the sensors
use when deciding whether or not to forward packets they
receive from other sensors in order to conserve power.
Nodes in a wireless sensor network accomplish this by
optimizing their decision making based on a framework
using game theory. De¯ning a suitable cost and pro¯t to
routing and forwarding incoming packets and keeping a
history of experiences with non-cooperating nodes drives
malicious nodes out of the wireless sensor network.
46 صفحه pdf
IEC 62439:2010-Industrial communication networks – High availability automation networks – Part 5: Beacon Redundancy Protocol (BRP)