اسرار استراتژی شطرنج مدرن
بعد از نیمزوویچ
فرمت: pdf
تعداد صفحات :272
نویسنده:جان واتسون
by John Watson
John Watson's book fulfils the need for a thorough, profound work on the modern handling of chess positions, and how Nimzowitsch's theories - still controversial and revolutionary at the time My System was written - have been refined and used alongside classical concepts.
The first section of the book discusses how the understanding of classical themes, such as pawn majorities, the centre, and structural weaknesses, have been refined.
Watson then moves on to discuss new concepts, including the willingness of modern players to accept backward pawns in return for dynamic play, the idea of a good 'bad' bishop, knights finding useful roles at the edge of the board and the exchange sacrifice idea that bec
کتاب اسرار استراتژی شطرنج مدرن Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy