کامل ترین کتاب تخصصی آیرودینامیک ناپایدار، ایروآکوستیک
و هواکشسانی ماشین آلات توربو
(حدود 600 صفحه)
فهرست مطالب
Part I Flutter
Flutter Boundaries for Pairs of Low
Pressure Turbine Blades 3
Roque Corral, Nélida Cerezal, and Cárlos Vasco
Influence of a Vibration Amplitude Distribution on the Aerodynamic
Stability of a Low-Pressure Turbine Sectored Vane 17
Olga V. Chernysheva, Torsten H. Fransson, Robert E. Kielb, and John Barter
A Method to Assess Flutter Stability of Complex Modes 31
Andrea Arnone, Francesco Poli, and Claudia Schipani
Flutter Design of Low Pressure
Symmetric Modes 41
Robert Kielb, John Barter, Olga Chernysheva and Torsten Fransson
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of 2D Palisade
Flutter for the Harmonic Oscillations 53
Vladymir Tsimbalyuk, Anatoly Zinkovskii, Vitaly Gnesin
Romuald Rzadkowski, Jacek Sokolowski
Possibility of Active Cascade Flutter Control with Smart Structure
in Transonic Flow Condition 65
Turbine Blades with Cyclic
Junichi Kazawa, and Toshinori Watanabe
Experimental Flutter Investigations of an Annular Compressor Cascade:
Influence of Reduced Frequency on Stability 77
Joachim Belz and Holger Hennings
Part II Forced Response
Unsteady Gust Response in the Frequency Domain 95
- Filippone
Axial Turbine Blade Vibrations Induced by the Stator Flow 107
- B. Schmitz, O. Schäfer, J. Szwedowicz, T. Secall-Wimmel, T. P. Sommer
Mistuning and Coupling Effects in Turbomachinery Bladings 119
Gerhard Kahl
Evaluation of the Principle of Aerodynamic Superposition
in Forced Response Calculations 133
Stefan Schmitt, Dirk Nürnberger, Volker Carstens
Comparison of Models to Predict Low Engine Order Excitation
in a High Pressure Turbine Stage 145
Markus Jöcker, Alexandros Kessar, Torsten H. Fransson, Gerhard Kahl,
Hans-Jürgen Rehder
Experimental Reduction of Transonic Fan Forced Response
by IGV Flow Control 161
Part III Multistage Effects
Unsteady AerodynamicWork on Oscillating Annular Cascades
in Counter Rotation 177
- Namba, K. Nanba
Structure of Unsteady Vortical Wakes behind Blades of
Mutual-Moving Rows of an Axial Turbomachine 189
- E.Saren, S.A. Smirnov
- Todd Bailie, Wing F. Ng,William W. Copenhaver
The Effect of Mach Number on LP TurbineWake-Blade Interaction 203
- Vera, H. P. Hodson, R. Vazquez
Multistage Coupling for Unsteady Flows in Turbomachinery 217
Kenneth C. Hall, Kivanc Ekici and Dmytro M. Voytovych
Part IV Aeroacoustics
Passive Noise Control by Vane Lean and Sweep 233
- Elhadidi
Interaction of Acoustic and Vortical Disturbances with an Annular Cascade
in a Swirling Flow 247
- M. Atassi, A. A. Ali,, O. V. Atassi
Influence of Mutual Circumferential Shift of Stators on the Noise Generated
by System of Rows Stator-Rotor-Stator of the Axial Compressor 261
- V. Kovalev, V. E. Saren and R. A. Shipov
A Frequency-domain Solver for the Non-linear Propagation and Radiation
of Fan Noise 275
Cyrille Breard
Part V Flow Instabilities
Analysis of Unsteady Casing Pressure Measurements During
Surge and Rotating Stall 293
- J. Anderson (CEng), Dr. N. H. S. Smith (CEng)
Core-Compressor Rotating Stall Simulation with a Multi-Bladerow Model 313
- Vahdati, A I Sayma, M Imregun, G. Simpson
Parametric Study of Surface Roughness and Wake Unsteadiness on a Flat Plate
with Large Pressure Gradient 331
- F. Zhang, H. P. Hodson
Bypass Flow Pattern Changes at Turbo-Ram Transient Operation
of a Combined Cycle Engine
Shinichi Takata, Toshio Nagashima, Susumu Teramoto, Hidekazu Kodama 345
Experimental Investigation of Wake-Induced Transition in a Highly Loaded
Linear Compressor Cascade 357
Lothar Hilgenfeld and Michael Pfitzner
Experimental Off-Design Investigation of Unsteady Secondary Flow
Phenomena in a Three-Stage Axial Compressor
at 100% Nominal Speed 369
Andreas Bohne, Reinhard Niehuis
Analyses of URANS and LES Capabilities to Predict Vortex Shedding
for Rods and Turbines 381
- Ferrand, J. Boudet, J. Caro, S. Aubert, C. Rambeau
Part VI Computational Techniques
Frequency and Time Domain Fluid-Structure Coupling Methods
for Turbomachineries 397
Duc-Minh Tran and Cédric Liauzun
Study of Shock Movement and Unsteady Pressure on 2D Generic Model 409
Davy Allegret-Bourdon, Torsten H. Fransson
Numerical Unsteady Aerodynamics for Turbomachinery Aeroelasticity 423
Anne-Sophie Rougeault-Sens and Alain Dugeai
Development of an Efficient and Robust Linearised
Navier-Stokes Flow Solver 437
Paul Petrie-Repar
Optimized Dual-Time Stepping Technique for Time-Accurate
Navier-Stokes Calculations 449
Mikhail Nyukhtikov, Natalia V. Smelova, Brian E. Mitchell, D. Graham Holmes
Part VII Experimental Unsteady Aerodynamics
Experimental and Numerical Study of Nonlinear Interactions
Olivier Bron, Pascal Ferrand, and Torsten H. Fransson
Interaction Between Shock Waves and Cascaded Blades 483
Measured and Calculated Unsteady Pressure Field in a Vaneless Diffuser
of a Centrifugal Compressor 493
Teemu Turunen-Saaresti, Jaakko Larjola
DPIV Measurements of the FlowField between a Transonic Rotor
and an Upstream Stator 505
Steven E. Gorrell, William W. Copenhaver, Jordi Estevadeordal
Unsteady Pressure Measurement with Correction on Tubing Distortion 521
- Yang, D. B. Sims-Williams, and L. He
Part VIII Aerothermodynamics
Unsteady 3D Navier-Stokes Calculation of a Film-Cooled Turbine Stage
with Discrete Cooling Hole 533
- Hildebrandt, J. Ettrich, M. Kluge, M. Swoboda, A. Keskin,
- Haselbach, H.-P. Schiffer
Analysis of UnsteadyAerothermodynamic Effects in a Turbine-Combustor 551
Horia C. Flitan and Paul G. A. Cizmas, Thomas Lippert
and Dennis Bachovchin, Dave Little
Part IX Rotor Stator Interaction
Stator-Rotor Aeroelastic Interaction for the Turbine Last Stage
in 3D Transonic Flow 569
Romuald Rzadkowski, Vitaly Gnesin, Luba Kolodyazhnaya
Nozzle Flow
Shojiro Kaji, Takahiro Suzuki, Toshinori Watanabe
in Two-Dimensional Transonic
Effects of Stator Clocking in System of Rows Stator-Rotor-Stator
of the Subsonic Axial Compressor 581
- M. Savin, V.E. Saren
Rotor-Stator Interaction in a Highly-Loaded, Single-Stage,
Low-Speed Axial Compressor: Unsteady Measurements in the
Rotor Relative Frame 603
Two-Stage Turbine Experimental Investigations of Unsteady
Stator-to-Stator Interaction 615
Jan Krysinski, Robert Antoni Smolny
کامل ترین کتاب تخصصی آیرودینامیک ناپایدار، ایروآکوستیک و هواکشسانی ماشین آلات توربو