250 صفحه pdf
Cathodic Protection of Steel in Concrete and Masonry
ویرایش دوم
CRC Press
EditionEdited by Paul M. ChessJohn P. Broomfield
Corrosion in reinforced concrete structures
Corrosion in masonry structures
Site appraisal to enable efficient cathodic protection design
Cathodic protection mechanism and a review of criteria
History and principles of cathodic protection for reinforced concrete
Immersed cathodic protection design
Design of a cathodic protection system for exposed reinforced concrete structures
Design of a cathodic protection system for masonry
Design of cathodic protection systems for new reinforced concrete structures
Power supplies
Monitoring cathodic protection in concrete and masonry structures
Case studies of cathodic protection installations
Economic aspects
Cathodic Protectionof Steel inConcrete andMasonry:2014