فی فوو

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

فی فوو

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

دانلود مقاله LIEMRO_ A Low-Interference Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing Protocol for Improving QoS in Event-Based Wireless S

اختصاصی از فی فوو دانلود مقاله LIEMRO_ A Low-Interference Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing Protocol for Improving QoS in Event-Based Wireless Sensor Networks دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

دانلود مقاله LIEMRO_ A Low-Interference Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing Protocol for Improving QoS in Event-Based Wireless Sensor Networks

دانلود مقاله LIEMRO_ A Low-Interference Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing Protocol for Improving QoS in Event-Based Wireless Sensor Networks

LIEMRO_ A Low-Interference Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing Protocol for Improving QoS in Event-Based Wireless Sensor Networks


Marjan Radi, Behnam Dezfouli, Shukor Abd Razak, Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Johor, Malaysia


Abstract — In the recent years, multipath routing
techniques are recognized as an effective approach to
improve QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs).
However, in most of the previously proposed protocols
either the effects of inter-path interference are ignored,
or establishing low-interference paths is very costly. In
this paper, we propose a Low-Interference Energyefficient
Multipath ROuting protocol (LIEMRO) for
WSNs. This protocol is mainly designed to improve
packet delivery ratio, lifetime, and latency, through
discovering multiple interference-minimized nodedisjoint
paths between source node and sink node. In
addition, LIEMRO includes a load balancing algorithm
to distribute source node’s traffic over multiple paths
based on the relative quality of each path. Simulation
results show that using LIEMRO in high traffic load
conditions can increase data reception rate and network
lifetime even more than 1.5x compared with single path
routing approach, while end-to-end latency reduces
significantly. Accordingly, LIEMRO is a multipath
solution for event-driven applications in which lifetime,
reliability, and latency are of great importance.
Keywords – Wireless Sensor Networks; QoS;
Multipath Routing; Load Balancing; Interference.

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دانلود مقاله LIEMRO_ A Low-Interference Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing Protocol for Improving QoS in Event-Based Wireless Sensor Networks

دانلود مقاله An FEC-based Reliable Data Transport Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks

اختصاصی از فی فوو دانلود مقاله An FEC-based Reliable Data Transport Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

دانلود مقاله An FEC-based Reliable Data Transport Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks

دانلود مقاله An FEC-based Reliable Data Transport Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks

An FEC-based Reliable Data Transport Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks
Peng Xie and Jun-Hong Cui
xp@engr.uconn.edu, jcui@cse.uconn.edu
Computer Science and Engineering Department
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-2155


Abstract—In this paper, we investigate the reliable data
transport problem in underwater sensor networks. Underwater
sensor networks are significantly different from terrestrial
sensor networks in two aspects: acoustic channels are used for
communication and most sensor nodes are mobile due to water
current. These distinctions feature underwater sensor networks
with low bandwidth capacity, large propagation delay, high error
probability, half-duplex channels, and highly dynamic topology,
which pose many new challenges for reliable data transport
in underwater sensor networks. In this paper, we propose a
protocol, called segmented data reliable transport (SDRT), to
achieve reliable data transfer in underwater sensor networks.
SDRT is essentially a hybrid approach of ARQ and FEC.
It adopts efficient erasure codes (so-called SVT codes in this
paper), transferring encoded packets block by block and hop
by hop. Compared with other existing reliable data transport
approaches for underwater networks, SDRT can reduce the
total number of transmitted packets, improve channel utilization,
and simplify protocol management. In addition, we develop a
mathematic model to estimate the expected number of packets
actually needed. Based on this model, we can set the block size
appropriately for SDRT, as helps to address the node mobility
issue. We conduct simulations to evaluate our model and SDRT.
The results show that our model can closely predict the number
of packets actually needed, and SDRT is energy efficient and can
achieve high channel utilization.

دانلود با لینک مستقیم

دانلود مقاله An FEC-based Reliable Data Transport Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks

دانلود مقاله Network Coding for Efficient Error Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks for Medical Applications

اختصاصی از فی فوو دانلود مقاله Network Coding for Efficient Error Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks for Medical Applications دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

دانلود مقاله Network Coding for Efficient Error Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks for Medical Applications

دانلود مقاله Network Coding for Efficient Error Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks for Medical Applications

Title: Network Coding for Efficient Error Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks for Medical Applications

Author(S) :Marinkovic, S. ,Popovici, E

Journal/Conference Name: Emerging Network Intelligence, 2009 First International Conference on


Year: 2009


Pages: 15 - 20


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دانلود با لینک مستقیم

دانلود مقاله Network Coding for Efficient Error Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks for Medical Applications


اختصاصی از فی فوو POLYNOMIAL ALGORITHMS FOR A TWO-CLASS دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .



در این فایل سعی بر این شده است که در رابطه با الگوریتم چند جمله ای tow class ، مشکل زمانبندی چند in mobile، سیستم های مخابراتی و ... توضیحاتی داده شود. در قالب فایل پی دی اف و شامل 19 صفحه می باشد.

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