دانلود مقاله مطالعه ریزازدیادی گیاه نوروزک (Salvia leriifolia) با استفاده از کشت جوانه انتهایی که شامل 23 صفحه و با فرمت قابل ویرایش Word میباشد بشرح زیر است :
*دارای چکیده به زبان انگلیسی
English Abstract
Salvia leriifolia (Lamiaceae) is endemic of Khorasan and Semnan province and an endangered plant. In this research for the first time, micropropagation of this plant was studied through shoot tip proliferation. Plantlet was obtained via embryo culture in ½ MS culture medium supplemented with 1mg/lit BAP and 1mg/lit NAA .For micropropagation Shoot tips of the plantlet was cultured on MS medium supplemented with different concentration of BAP and KIN alone or in combination whit IBA. For rooting, MS medium containing different concentration of IBA, NAA and 2,4-D was used. Statistical analysis was performed according to the JMP and MSTAT-C software. The results showed that combination of BAP and IBA was appropriate for shoot proliferation and MS medium containing 2mg/lit BAP and 0.5mg/lit IBA was optimum for proliferation. Auxin was necessary for root formation and the best treatment for rooting was MS medium supplemented with 1mg/lit IBA. It can be concluded that, this treatment may be recommended for micropropagation of Salvia leriifolia via shoot tip culture
مقاله مطالعه ریزازدیادی گیاه نوروزک (Salvia leriifolia) با استفاده از کشت جوانه انتهایی